Jayvir Gadhvi | GPSC 2019-20 Rank 1 | Mains Answersheet
Hello GPSC aspirants I would like to share my answersheets as well as few ideas which helped me in securing first rank in my first attempt. Link for answersheets- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10gEXwFy9r84H3BRLf6StSwYCsuqFU9oJ Link for Drishti ias material- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11o_NIODBPa96mtdW7vQFi4Rj4U0IRFbU My Booklist For Pre cum mains 1) Polity- NCERT, M laxmikanth, Vajiram notes, If possible read Constitution of India, vision PT365 2) Geography-NCERT, Vajiram notes, Vajiram Yellow books, GC LEONG, PT365 3) History- NCERT, Spectrum,Nitin singhania, Vajiram notes, Vajiram Yellow books 4) Economics- NCERT, vajiram notes and yellow book,PT365 5) Society- Notes 6) IR- Notes 7) Science and tech- Notes, my biology is weak so I read NCERT for biology you can choose according to your strength and weakness, PT365 8) Environment- Notes, Shankar IAS, PT365 9) Disaster management- notes, internet 10) Monthly magazine of any institu